Play the sessionOther than a secret weapon for passionate Scrabble-fanatics, Hypochristmutreefuzz is the craziest noiseband in the city of Ghent. The group formed around Ramses Van den Eede is a frontal attack to all of your senses, thanks to smashing groove and a voice making your bones tremble in inconvenience.
“Hypo…” is the first full album by “Hypo…” Ramses Van den Eede gets inspired by nightmares and wanted to write an album about how we deform from perfect little creatures to fearful human beings trying to cope with all our malformations and flaws. In his live performances he desperately wants to give the audience and himself some light in this chaotic environment.
Musically Ramses doesn’t want to eliminate any genres. Doing so he finds it interesting to see what happens if he raps or tries to be catchy. Although inspired by his time he’s not interested in copying other acts, he believes that personality will always get in the way.
The band now launches taken from their debut album, which will be released in Belgium and The Netherlands on Jan 27th 2017.